Provide inhabitants of comuna 21 in Cali with work training, and human development options.
“Tecnocentro Cultural Somos PacÃfico” a non-formal, after school education center for the arts, information and communications technologies (ICT) income generation and reconciliation. The organization mision is through an innovative training model centered on the human being, to combine technology and culture for talent development, income generation and peace building.
The “Tecnocentro Cultural Somos PacÃfico” curriculum contains four training areas:
- Information and communication technologies.
- Employability and entrepreneurship.
- Cultural and artistic training.
- English.
The Programs currently being developed are:
Computer Clubhouse: A franchise of Intel, the Museum of Science, Boston and MIT, which train young people in graphic design, musical and audiovisual production workshops.
Punto Vive Digital: Project of the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology, offering digital literacy workshops to people of all ages.
Technical and technological training:Â Courses in cultural management, audiovisual production and gastronomy in partnership with SENA.
Employability and entrepreneurship program:Â Training young people for with the goal of market insertion.
Music: Musical instrument and orchestral training through the support of the Nacional Foundation of Batuta.
Fine Arts:Â Training for children, teens and adults.
Dance: Training for children and teens at three levels: nursery, training and strengthening. Styles include: Afro Colombian Folklore, Salsa and Urban styles.
Languages: English classes through the support of the Centro Cultural Colombo Americano.
Child and youth network: Target populations are children, girls and adolescents. It develops activities as source for the future formation in the different programs.
More Videos “Tecnocentro Cultural Somos PacÃfico”:
- Tecnocentro Somos PacÃfico una herramienta para la Paz en la comuna 21 de Cali
- Presentación Batuta en el Tecnocentro Cultural Somos PacÃfico
- Inauguración Tecnocentro Cultural Somos Pacifico
- Somos PacÃfico feb-2013
- Gala Somos Pacifico
More than 2,500 children and young residents of Potrero Grande District and commune 21 since program inception in 2013
October 2010 to date
- Development of a much needed community center in a high risk neighborhood.
- Participation of the community in the desing and operation.
- Creation of an educational program relevant to the interests of the community.
- More than 2,500 young people attended the center since 2013 project inception.
- Development of a emplyment program with an 85% employment rate.
- Promotion of artistic groups and generation USD $15,000 in annual income for artistis.
Alvaralice Foundation, Comfandi, Paz y Bien Foundation and Mayor of Cali.