“Compromiso Valle” is committed to the transformation of the life projects of individual persons


Wednesday, 13 October 2021


Alvaralice Foundation

The social initiative “Compromiso Valle” will co-finance the “Abriendo Caminos” project in 2021 and 2022. This project, which has been led by the Alvaralice Foundation for four years, falls within the area of Life Projects’ Transformation which has as its main objective to contribute to reduce violence in vulnerable territories, as well as building and promoting a culture of peace and legality.

The project will be implemented in 50 neighborhoods, 80% of which are located in Cali. “Abriendo Caminos” will work hand in hand with the “Forjando Oportunidades” (“Building Opportunities”) project, which is being developed by the Fundación Sidoc, and which provides psychosocial support and training to young people with a high level of exclusion. Each team operating this project in the various neighborhoods is composed of 2 leaders, or violence “interrupters” [1] ,who are the ones in charge of identifying and mediating conflicts before they turn violent. Their work is supported by six youths from the “Forjando Oportunidades” project who will engage with local groups of their peers. Through the “Forjando Oportunidades” program participants will have access to the necessary training and support that will hopefully lead to employment or entrepreneurship opportunities.

[1] Development as per the United Nation’s Definition: Inclusive Social Development encompasses a wide range of issues, including, but not limited to: poverty eradication, the reduction of inequalities, employment generation, the promotion of cooperatives, family, the role of civil society, older persons and ageing, youth, disability, and indigenous peoples.

The process began last July. By the end of August, 39 violence interrupters had been selected and hired from 29 of the 50 designated Cali communities. The rest of the “interrupters” were selected from the remaining communities participating in this initiative, including Buenaventura, Palmira, and Jamundí.

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