Estrategia Pazos, winner of the world’s most important Peace Prize for cities


Friday, 4 November 2022


Alvaralice Foundation

The cities of Mersin (Turkey), Mishiha (Burundi), Monterrey (Mexico), Recife (Brazil) and Palmira (Colombia) were the five finalist awarded the 2022 International Peace Prize by the UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments). As such, the prize for the city Palmira for its work with local governments was 20,000 euros.

This award recognizes the best governmental strategies in peace building. “Pazos de Palmira” is considered one of the most outstanding for their work in the prevention of violence and their positive results. Since its implementation, 600 conflicts with a high percentage of violence have been interrupted. In addition, they work in conjunction with the program Forging Opportunities, which provides psychosocial support to 290 young people. Together, with the help of violence interrupters, they have achieved positive results in the neighborhoods of Villa Diana, Harold Eder, Villa del Rosario, Cainitos, Hugo Varela, La Emilia, La Orlidea, Los Cristales, which include the communes 1,2,3, in addition to the village of Amaime.

This strategy is targeted to young people, since they are the main generators of violence as well as their main victims.

After 17 years, the neighborhood Villa de las Palmas managed to complete 4 consecutive months with the lowest rates of violent deaths, demonstrating the success of the Pazos strategy.

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